Friday, June 1, 2018

How To Publish E-Book on Amazon Kindle

Are you a book writer, or a professional Article or Blogger, & anyone who wants to publish something new and make a living through writing but don’t have the resources to publish your work online.

Amazon Kindle are Good choice for you. Lets go and follow the complete guide on how to create your E-book on Amazon Kindle.

How much can you earn writing an E-Book?
Many people who wrote for the first time and became millionaires over night. Amazon Kindle as it operates in E-Copies of Books. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about publishing cost. On every sale of the copy of your book, you earn a percentage. The results vary greatly, starting from few bucks. Good writer can expect to earn $400-$700 per month depending upon the subject you choose.

In every field and business of life and especially on the internet, “Authority” is everything. Whether you are a blogger, a cooking trainer or an expert related to some other field, what makes you special than the others.

How to start writing a book
In order to start writing a book. First, you must know new look idea for working on in your arsenal. and you also need to have something new to tell which people don,t know before, related to your profession of expertise what you possess and have worked on it for year to years. SO always Start thinking of something special you want to convey to world. It could be anything topic but should be professional, unique, and worthy for the Users.

Your Book Title & Cover
When anytime you search for anything on kindle, one thing aspires you to read the book, and that is "Title Of The Book" if user like your title then user investing money and time to read. So the Book Title are always King of the Book STORY.

Cover of E-Book plays a main role of your Hard work. User have thousand of choices in which to choose a few. always make your Cover different and Good Looking to attract Users.

Write your book as short as possible. A book consisting of 16 Thousand words is enough to express the whole idea and to keep people indulged in it.

Following 5 Simple Steps Publishing an E-Book on Amazon Kindle

1. Go to and sign-up thereby filling out the following page. Register your tax information.

2. Go to (Bookshelf). A page will appear >>

3. Fill-out the form that includes the primary language of your E-Book, Book Title, keywords of your book (words that people type in search box related to your book’s topic), description.

4. Upload the cover of your E-Book in (JPEG Format) and then upload book file. Fill-out other necessary requirements. Scroll down, and click save and continue.

5. Next page is about pricing of the E-Book. Choose (Worldwide Rights) option.

Stick around 80% to 90% royalty rate and select your price that you want to charge for your book (Staying around $6 to $8 would be handsome amount of money).

The whole process completes here. Amazon will take 3 to 4 days to publish your e-book.
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I am Sidra Altaf, an entrepreneur by blood, Pro Blogger, SEO consultant. MA Physical Education GC University Faisalabad. Professional Beautician & Vlogger at Youtube: