Friday, September 21, 2018

Earn Money without Google AdSense

Adsense is the Not only one way to make money online from your blog/website. Many bloggers are making money without using Google Adsense. As a blogger, you just need to figure out other profitable earning methods to monetize your blog content. you just want good traffic on your website.

Always first one webmaster are applying for Google Adsense and rejected many time. because everyone want google ads account. Now, I will share some profitable methods to make money without AdSense.

Lets Know About: How To Make Money Without AdSense 

Now I am showing you how you easily make money online, without using adsense account. You can easily apply these methods on your blog and earn handsome amount of money.   


Another best alternative to Google Adsense is If you are said with Adsense, and they don’t approve your website for their ads network then you should definitely check is another Good ad network that allows you to display ads on your blog and make money online with it. This is a contextual ads network which show relevant ads on your website. For example, if you have a car related website then the ads will be relevant to your content on the blog. And they pay you total number of clicks on the add. And it’s showing PPC advertisements on your website. When approved, you will be getting paid depending on the quality of traffic, blog niche and total clicks on ads.

3- Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn money from blog. You just promote any company product over a small commission. It can generate more profit as compared to AdSense and other ads companies.  Just Singh up for few affiliate programs that are related to your blog niche. You can choose products that you would like to promote to your users. Once you get approved to be an affiliate of certain program, (affiliate link) will be given to you. When users click on your ads link and make any purchase, you earn a commission.

For Successful Affiliate Marketing:

  • Always select products that are relevant to your blog.

  • Try and test the products, if possible that.

  • Check their commission rates. Don’t accept any offer that has less than 7 to 10% commission rate for affiliates.

  • Always make affiliate disclosure on your website.

  • Don’t just throw affiliate links everywhere on your blog. Only use when necessary.

  • Drive targeted traffic to generate your product sales.

4: Paid Advertisements With (BuySellAds)

You already know that advertisements on your website can help you make money online. You can sell ads at “” places on your blog over a fixed monthly rate. The prominent places like header area or the widget area are the ones that get highly clicks. So, the companies pay blog owners a fixed rate for displaying 3rd party ads over a month. you also get advertisement in YouTube channel too. 

5: Sell Your Own Products

Sell on your own product may scare you for a while but it can be passive income for your website. The good thing is that you create these products once and you get the sales for a long time.

EBooks can be a wonderful digital product. People love to read eBooks on multiple topics. Whether you are a food blogger, or a motivational coach, you can easily create an eBook and sell it to your readers everywhere in the world..

You also create and sell your video course online and nowadays, online courses are easier to create anywhere. Best platform are Udemy and you easily to get started.

So now, you can easily sell digital and physical products on your website to make good income.

6: Offer Freelance Services

Another famous way to make more money from your website is by offering freelance services. It can be a greatest way to earn a consistent income.

You just got to have writing, social media, blogging and website related SEO skills etc. You can easily offer part time freelance services from your website. you can provide your services to 

  • You can offer following services below:

  • Freelance writing, Article Academic Writing

  • Blog/Website management services, SEO etc

  • Social media content

  • Other virtual assistant services etc

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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Make Money Online Methods

Chapter 1

Everyone wants to make money online at home, just for working for few hours a day.

Question: Is This True?

Answer: And yes it’s quite true, because there are many of endless opportunity of earning to the internet.

I always write many topics related to earning methods. You also read these posts too.

Today I will be showing you the basics and professional rules or review of earning rights from your home. Everything you just do it to your home personal computer.

So let’s start to show you original ways to get online earnings. Make sure you go to read this article and increase your brain level step by step to explore good earn methods.

Earn Money by Freelancing

Most of users are quite familiar with freelancing term that indicate one is totally independent or self working and not bound of any business, industry, company; rather one can work for several companies at a time right from his own working office and any place/ Home. One needs to have sufficient set of skills to start his / her journey as a freelance worker. You can work for freelancing easily, you have don’t have need relevant degree or even no degree, but you have got professional skills that fit into any freelancing category you always choose these topic witch you have big interest, then you can work from your home and get paid. Below are some resources how to join you freelancing sites.

Freelancing Resources

Blog Writing / Article Writing

You just creating a blog and posting articles won’t let you make money alone. if you to create unique blog contents and regularly updating your blog posts with useful content. You can setup a blog on any micro niche / topic of your interest. Always regular in writing unique and useful blog posts that help you bring more visitors to your website/blog. You can setup your free website/blog either on Blogger or WordPress.

After publish up your first blog, targeting USA & Europe based readers will bring in long term benefit for your blog earning. There are number of methods to monetize your blog / website. which you will be able to generate good amount of revenue. Your blog must have at least 3000 or above unique visitors per day before you should apply for CPM (cost per thousand impressions) / CPC (cost per click) based Monetize.

And for having at minimum 1500 unique hits per day on your blog, your blog should have 30 quality articles posts, which require around 3 months, time to rank on search engine. Once your blog / website starts to receive handsome amount of traffic, you will be able to earn good income from your home, just by working 3 for hours on daily basis, always creating unique blog posts. There are many more topics which you can publish in your blog posts.

Affiliate Marketing

Simple terms is selling the products online and getting your commission. Affiliate marketing is good who possess customer convincing ideas.

sell of product or service and company is paying you certain percentage of your commission from the sale of that product or service.

As you have helped the company to achieve the product sale, so company pays you the commission as a token of appreciation. You are required to register for an affiliate program and generate your own unique affiliate link or banner ad and you place these ads to your website or blog.

::: Learn How To Earn Money From Facebook Page Facebook Reels :::

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Can I Make Money To Blogging

If you want to earn money online so the easiest way is blogging. There are much ways to earn money online without too much working. The Mostly, online businesses are the easiest way to gain money.

Now a day’s Internet has made it possible for individuals to make money online at home without the use of physical things. You just only have to be skillful and knowledgeable about the different ways of working business online.

You will be search many letters over internet online and most of them are about sales different things. For you to be able to earn money online, you need to have your own website.

But buying or creating one is extremely expensive too. Even if you exert all you human efforts on researching, buying all the books but if you realize that you do not have many; you will never be successful in this task.

You can obviously need a lot of money to finance your needs such as buying domain, dot com names, with web space hosting, advertising and other related expenses to manage your website. But don’t be confused because there is another way to sell, it is by creating blogs. Many blogger are use for make free blogs.

Always (Blogs) are free and aside from that, there are many reasons way you can earn money easily by using blogger blogs. And this will be a sure success for you. But your are succeed step by step.

New blogger’s do not require any programming like a java, html, web design and artistic skills, etc, so it is easy to manage plus the set up is very easy. You can search too many different websites that accepts blogs. Create a new account and you can start posting and place your advertisements right after. Many blogger’s use Adsense to earn money with our blog.

Blogging does not require too much expense. There is not mention cost with blogging. You can save up to some of money by using blogging other than producing your blog.

A custom domain can cost you a lot of money while using your blog. You just create account without spending any amount of money. You can add blogs as many as you want at blogger just create a name and go on.  

This type of working in the internet is also known as affiliate marketing. It is one among the easiest way to earn money without spending too much on making websites. However, you need to pay the percentage of the merchandise that is sold through the website.

It is best than the making your own website. Many people use this type of business to describe their products through blogging and provide the links to their affiliate marketing links to make more commissions to make money online.

If you are everyday using the internet, you are aware of how hard it is to get indexed on the different search engines online in internet. And getting a high rank on search engines is difficult as well as too.

In blogging, you do not need to wait for long time to be indexed your post to search engine. 1 time in an every week is enough for your blog to be seen over the different search engines.

There are so many ways to online marketers that use the many others’s search engines to make money online. Most of the search engines own a particular blog sites which allows anybody to post any type of blogs in any of amount.

Once that a user clicks your blog post, you will be receiving revenues based on how many clicks your blogs have received. So you will have the chance to earn money the easiest way online. You only need to be patience and determined to be able to gain success in the everywhere online business.

Thanks! For Visit: Earn Methods

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